LDFF Board, Committees


  • Review grant applications and supporting materials before meetings to determine eligibility based on LDFF guidelines
  • Help determine projects/programs to receive EITC funding with the committee chair’s direction
  • Make recommendations regarding grant approval to the Board of Directors
  • Review revisions to supporting documents
  • Track the progress of grants to ensure they are closed in a timely manner with help from Program Manager (photos, receipts, report, etc.)
  • Assist the committee chair with managing budget for grants and EITC line items


  • Review monthly checking account, credit card statements and mileage reports provided by the Program Manager
  • Review compilation or audit provided by the accounting firm annually
  • Review budget reports prior to Board meetings provided by Program Manager
  • Ensure proper procedures are being followed with regard to cash intake at events,

Fund Development

(This is a committee in and of itself with subcommittees under it. You can serve on a subcommittee without being a member of Fund Development, though it is recommended that you be a part of both to help with budget and fundraising ideas for the year.):

  • Spearhead fundraising activities with planning and budgeting, working with the Executive Committee to receive direction on expenses/projects/grants in need of funding. Currently, our main fundraisers: Falcon Fling (winter), Annual Golf Outing (spring) and Annual Giving Campaign (fall)
  • Meet at 6:00 pm before the 7:00 pm Board meetings; other meetings held as needed

Fund Development Subcommittees:

  • Annual Giving/Alternate Fundraising Campaigns—DM in October
  • Signature Event (Falcon Fling currently)—early February event
  • Golf Outing—first Friday in May typically


  • Review Board Member Terms report provided by Program Manager yearly to ensure too many terms are not ending or being renewed simultaneously (board members are elected for three-year terms; officers are elected for a two-year term; there are no term limits)
  • Ensure President or Vice President is running meetings per Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Work with the committee chair to review new member suggestions and recommend to Board for a vote at a regular meeting when feasible
  • Review formal documents annually for possible updates (Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, )
  • Committee chair to oversee elections


  • Recommendations for investment strategies and fund selections
  • Review reports generated by Program Manager for accuracy based on statements provided; suggest changes to reports created/format as needed
  • Ensure funds are used appropriately, if withdrawn, based on Funds Policy and Bylaws


  • Facebook, Instagram (post grants awarded, teacher appreciation, special events, etc.)
  • Website (update pictures, page information, )
  • Musical Dinner Theatre—first Friday in March, typically
  • Press Releases
  • Historical Records (filing of samples [brochures, Annual Giving letter, ], newspaper articles, Google Drive photos, etc.)
  • Recommendations/ideas for increasing awareness of LDFF and all events
  • Maintain LDFF style guide/branding to ensure all materials/communication being disseminated is in keeping with our guidelines (no distortion of logo, correct blue, font, wording, etc.)
  • Increase community awareness, endorsement and vocal support from community leaders and members on LDFF